SOP 000
Generation, Use and Revision of SOPs
SOP 001
WVU Office of Human Research Protections Overview
SOP 002
WVU Human Research Protections Program
SOP 003
Investigator and Key Responsibilities, Qualifications, and Training
SOP 004
IRB Authority, Membership and Responsibilities
SOP 005
Principal Investigators Transitioning Research To and From WVU
SOP 006
IRB Meeting Conduct
SOP 007
IRB Approval Criteria
SOP 008
IRB Determinations
SOP 009
Approval in Principle
SOP 010
Single IRB Reliance
SOP 011
Human Subjects Research Determination (NHSR)
SOP 012
Informed Consent Requirements
SOP 013
Research Involving Vulnerable Populations
SOP 014
Research Involving Children
SOP 015
Assent and Parental Permission
SOP 016
Documentation of the Informed Consent Process
SOP 017
Exempt Review
SOP 018
Expedited Review
SOP 019
Full Board Review
SOP 020
Flex Submission and Review
SOP 021
Approval Period and Determination of Expiration
SOP 022
Research Involving Investigational Drugs and Biologics
SOP 023
Research Involving Investigational Devices and HUDs
SOP 024
Research Involving Genetic Material
SOP 026
Payment of Human Subjects in Research
SOP 027
Screening, Recruiting, and Advertising for Participant Enrollment
SOP 028
Post-Approval Submissions
SOP 029
Suspension, Administrative Hold, Early Termination
SOP 030
Continuing Review of Approved Research
SOP 031
Research-Related Event Reporting
SOP 032
Complaints and Concerns
SOP 033
Research Involving Coded Private Information or Biological Specimens
SOP 034
Reporting to External Agencies
SOP 035
Onsite Tissue or Data Repository
SOP 036
Research Data Protection and HIPAA
SOP 037
Research Related Injury
SOP 038
Research Data Retention and Destruction
SOP 039
IRB Records and Data Information Management
SOP 040
CBPR Research
SOP 041
WVU OHRP QI Program Activities
SOP 042
Conflicts of Interest
SOP 043
Training and Education - OHRP Staff and IRB Members
SOP 046
WVU OHRP Digital and Electronic Signatures
SOP 047
Research Involving Prisoners
SOP 048
Research Involving Pregnant Women, Fetuses, Neonates
SOP 049
Non-Compliance and Research Misconduct
SOP 050
Appeals of IRB Decisions
SOP 051
Ancillary Reviews
SOP 052
International Research
SOP 053
Emergency Use of Investigational Drugs, Biologics, or Devices
SOP 054
Planned Emergency Research
SOP 055
Electronic Informed Consent (eIC)/HIPAA Authorizations