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SOP 026: Payment of Human Subjects in Research

1. Purpose

This SOP describes the process the WVU IRB follows in reviewing payment arrangements to research participants to ensure an equitable selection of participants.

2. Overview

The IRB only approves payment methods that are not coercive and do not present undue influence. The description of payment arrangements is also part of the consent process. Therefore, the IRB must review statements regarding payment arrangements in the consent document(s) to prevent any statements that may be misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise violate the regulatory requirements of consent.

Payment to research participants for participation in research is not considered a benefit. Payments for participation are provided to reimburse participants for their time, effort, or other expenses. The WVU IRB uses the term “compensation” for payments to participants.

3. Procedures

3.1. The PI (or research team) should provide the total compensation and the schedule of payments to participants if any. The information should be provided in the application and the consent document(s) during the initial review.

3.2. The IRB reviews both the amount of payment and the proposed method and timing of disbursement to ensure that compensation is appropriate. The IRB reviews the consent document(s) to ensure that an accurate description of compensation is presented.

4. References

Federal Regulations:
45 CFR 46.116

Element II.3.C.1