Independent Testing
1. Click here to access and test the Data Protection Form.
2. Click on a link below for a test script to use to complete the form and the test. Note that each test instructs you to enter different criteria for the request so that all functionality of the form is tested. For example, international components, data transfer, etc.
During the test, all email messages related to approvals and acknowledgements will be sent to the SUBMITTER.
Enter your name as the Submitter and the Department Head
- Please complete at least two test scripts.
- Click here to determine if your department is considered a HIPAA covered entity.
- Select the applicable tests for your covered entity status - ENTER THE TEST # in the RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE
WVU Covered Entity Tests
- Test #1: Data Collection - Anonymous
- Test #2: Data From a WVU Medical/Dental Records - Request a Fully De-Identified Data Set
- Test #3: Data From a WVU Medical/Dental Record - Request an Identifiable Data Set
- Test #4: Data from a WVU Medical/Dental Record - Request a Limited Data Set
Test #5: Data Collection - Identifiable Data
- Test #6: Other WVU Data Source
WVU Non Covered Entity Tests
3. Click here to provide feedback.