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Data Retention - WVU

WVU Requirements

Please contact the WVU or HSC Information Technology Services (ITS) to discuss acceptable storage procedures for research data. 

Data Retention Periods

Investigators are encouraged to retain original data for a minimum of 3 years after the completion of the research.  This retention period is recommended for both federally funded and non-federally funded research projects.  Investigators are responsible to be aware that entities, such as the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), sponsors, or professional organizations may require longer retention periods.

Future Research (Using data from an approved project)

Investigators may wish to use data collected from an approved research protocol in future research.  If PII, PHI, or other sensitive data are collected, the research participant should be provided the option to allow their data to be de-identified and used in the future.  After the minimal retention period specified in an approved protocol has passed, it is recommended that investigators remove any direct or indirect identifying information, in accordance with their approved protocol.   

It is recommended that researchers consult the WVU ITS Security for methods to de-identify sensitive data.  The  Dept. of Health & Human Services also provides guidance for de-identifying PHI.  A protocol submission is required when using the de-identified data for research.  

Informing Subjects

West Virginia University is committed to conducting research with the highest regard for the welfare of human subjects while upholding and adhering to the principles of  The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research.  The first principle presented in Belmont stresses that research participants are autonomous individuals, meaning that participants should be treated as independent people, capable of making a fully informed decision.  Researchers are obligated to clearly inform participants about the research study and data being recorded; if the researcher intends to keep data indefinitely and use it in future, unknown research, the participant must be made aware.  

Re-contacting participants at the time of de-identification is not necessary; instead, provide the opportunity during the initial consent procedure and obtain informed consent.
